CDC: Surto de Salmonella ligado a dragões barbudos de estimação (2024)


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CDC: Surto de Salmonella ligado a dragões barbudos de estimação (1)

Postado em 16 de junho de 2022

A investigação do surto acabou. Dragões barbudos podem carregarsalmonelagermes que podem se espalhar para você e deixá-lo doente. Sempre tome medidas para se manter saudável perto de seu dragão barbudo.

Dragões Barbudos esalmonela

Dragões barbudos podem carregarsalmonelagermes em seus excrementos, mesmo que pareçam saudáveis ​​e limpos. Esses germes podem se espalhar facilmente para seus corpos e qualquer coisa na área onde vivem e vagam.

Você pode ficar doente ao tocar seu dragão barbudo ou qualquer coisa em seu ambiente e, em seguida, tocar sua boca ou comida e engolirsalmonelagermes.

O que você deveria fazer

Siga sempre estes passos paramantenha-se saudável perto do seu dragão barbudo de estimação:

  • Lave as mãos
    • Sempre lave bem as mãos com água e sabão logo após tocar ou alimentar seu dragão barbudo e depois de tocar ou limpar a área onde ele vive e vagueia.
    • Os adultos devem certificar-se de que as crianças pequenaslavando as mãos.
  • Jogue com segurança
    • Não beije ou aconchegue seu dragão barbudo e não coma ou beba perto dele. Isso pode se espalharsalmonelagermes em sua boca e deixá-lo doente.
    • Mantenha seu dragão barbudo longe da cozinha e de outras áreas onde você come, armazena ou prepara comida.
  • Mantenha as coisas limpas
    • Limpe seus suprimentos de dragão barbudo fora de casa, se possível. Esses suprimentos podem incluir comedouros, brinquedos e recipientes para comida e água.
    • Se você precisar limpar os suprimentos dentro de casa, não os limpe na cozinha ou em outras áreas onde você come ou prepara alimentos. Use uma pia de lavanderia ou banheira e limpe e desinfete bem a área logo em seguida.

Se você está pensando em ter um dragão barbudo de estimação:

  • Escolha o animal de estimação certo para sua família
    • Dragões barbudos e outros répteis sãonão recomendadopara crianças menores de 5 anos, adultos com 65 anos ou mais e pessoas com sistema imunológico enfraquecido. Essas pessoas são mais propensas a contrair uma doença grave de germes que os répteis podem carregar.

O que as empresas devem fazer

  • Eduque os clientessobre como se manter saudável perto de dragões barbudos.
    • Esseposterfornece informações sobre como se manter saudável perto de répteis de estimação, incluindo dragões barbudos.
    • Considere colocar o pôster ao lado da área do dragão barbudo e dar uma cópia aos clientes que estão comprando um dragão barbudo.
    • Essegráficopode ser usado como adesivo e ilustra a lavagem das mãos ao manusear répteis de estimação, incluindo dragões barbudos.
  • Saber maissobre como proteger seus clientes e funcionários desalmonelainfecção e outras doenças compartilhadas entre animais e humanos.

Sintomas desalmonela

  • A maioria das pessoas infectadas comsalmonelasentir diarreia, febre e cólicas estomacais.
    • Os sintomas geralmente começam de 6 horas a 6 dias após a ingestão da bactéria.
    • A maioria das pessoas se recupera sem tratamento após 4 a 7 dias.
  • Algumas pessoas – especialmente crianças com menos de 5 anos, adultos com 65 anos ou mais e pessoas com sistema imunológico enfraquecido – podem apresentar doenças mais graves que requerem tratamento médico ou hospitalização.
  • Para mais informações sobresalmonela, verosalmonelapágina de perguntas e respostas.
CDC: Surto de Salmonella ligado a dragões barbudos de estimação (2024)


How do I know if my bearded dragon has salmonella? ›

It is always best to have your bearded dragon's feces tested for Salmonella if there is a concern for the health of family members that have contact with your bearded dragon. Prevention through proper hygiene is the best control against salmonellosis.

How can I treat my dog for salmonella at home? ›

"Treating an active infection in your dog may include fluids and electrolytes to avoid dehydration. Additionally, giving your pet colostrum and probiotics or fermented foods will help heal your dog's GI tract and allow the good bacteria to flourish and restore balance.

Does the CDC deal with salmonella? ›

CDC has several surveillance systems for obtaining information about Salmonella.

How is salmonella spread from dog to human? ›

Salmonellosis in Dogs and Cats

Some ways dogs can spread the bacteria is when they give people kisses or have stool accidents inside the home. Pet waste from both sick and healthy pets can be a source of infection for people.

How do I know if my lizard has salmonella? ›

Fecal (stool) or cloacal cultures will determine if your pet is carrying the bacteria. Since they have to be shedding the bacteria in their feces (stool) and some only shed the bacteria intermittently, several cultures may be necessary to detect Salmonella. Q: My pet amphibian/reptile is a Salmonella carrier.

Can you remove salmonella from a bearded dragon? ›

Unfortunately, Salmonella bacteria cannot be eliminated from the intestinal tract of reptiles. Dosing reptiles with antibiotics to eliminate these bacteria has been unsuccessful and may result in Salmonella bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics that are then difficult to cure when infecting people. kitchen sink.

What is the fastest way to get rid of Salmonella? ›

Salmonella usually goes away on its own in a few days. You should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. You can reduce your risk of salmonella with safe food handling habits and by washing your hands after touching animals.

Can dogs recover from Salmonella on their own? ›

Most mild cases of salmonellosis can be treated at home. Treatment for a salmonella infection is primarily supportive, with a focus on ensuring that your dog receives enough fluids during the recovery process.

How long are dogs sick with Salmonella? ›

Once in the bloodstream, dogs can become critically ill and require intensive care. Signs of disease typically last four to ten days, but diarrhea may continue for a month or longer.

What kills Salmonella? ›

Heat your meat

Poultry naturally contains Salmonella, which you can kill by cooking the meat to an internal temperature of 165°F or higher. Cook all raw ground beef, pork, lamb, and veal to an internal temperature of 160 °F – and don't rely on guesswork. Measure the temperature with a food thermometer to be sure.

What antibiotic is used for Salmonella in dogs? ›

For septic dogs and cats, antibiotics reported to be effective against Salmonella include fluoroquinolones, chloramphenicol, trimethoprim-sulfonamide, and amoxicillin. Determination of a susceptibility profile is recommended for selection of optimal antimicrobials. Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., and C.

What is the contagious period of Salmonella? ›

How long is salmonellosis contagious? Salmonellosis symptoms usually last for about 4 to 7 days. A person can still transmit the bacteria for several weeks after symptoms fade, and even several months later.

Can dogs pass salmonella to other dogs? ›

It comes from Salmonella bacteria and while it is usually found in raw meats and eggs, it can also be transmitted through the feces and saliva of infected animals. Salmonella is more prevalent amongst younger and older dogs, whose immune systems may be weaker.

How do you test for salmonella at home? ›

A user drops a liquified sample of food onto a paper test strip that will give an accurate result in less than an hour. Here's what you should know about at-home Salmonella testing, and how you can prevent foodborne illness in your kitchen. What Are the Risk Factors for Salmonella?

What percentage of dogs carry salmonella? ›

Yes, household pets, including dogs and cats, can get infected with Salmonella. In fact, a 2017 study found that 2.5 percent of all dogs tested had evidence of Salmonella in their gastrointestinal tract (1). The incidence of Salmonella was found to be higher in dogs eating raw food and dogs living in rural areas.

How likely is it to get salmonella from bearded dragon? ›

Pet bearded dragons have been linked to several past Salmonella outbreaks, including one announced in January 2022 involving Salmonella Uganda that sickened 56 people from 26 states. The CDC urges people to wash their hands after handling bearded dragons and to avoid kissing or snuggling with them.

What are the signs of poisoning in bearded dragons? ›

Bearded dragons are thought to be more likely to develop toxicosis as they are indiscriminant eaters. Clinical signs in lizards include: head shaking, oral gaping, retching, regurgitating, dyspnea, color change, and death. Clinical signs are typically noted within 15 minute to 2 hours post exposure.

How do Beardies get salmonella? ›

Bearded Dragons and Salmonella

Salmonella is present in the feces of bearded dragons, but may also be on the skin. Improper handling, cage cleaning or cleaning of the dragon itself can spread the bacteria.

How many people get salmonella from bearded dragons? ›

The CDC has updated investigation details into a Salmonella Vitkin and IIIb outbreak connected to bearded dragons. As of Jan. 20, 2023, there have been 32 people infected, 12 with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Vitkin and 20 people with the outbreak strain of Salmonella IIIb.


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